Social Media Marketing Trends week of October 28th
This Week’s Mindset:
If things feel completely out of control in your life…
Congratulations. You are being guided down a different path.
The more you resist it, the more challenging things are going to become.
Melissa Wood
So far my family has avoided getting sick this fall, but every October around my daughter’s birthday I get nervous.
I missed her 6-year-old birthday party because I was puking.
On her 7-year-old birthday, I refused to miss it even though I had a 102 fever and the flu.
Last year we were clear.
This week I started to feel a tickle in my throat and I became a nervous wreck!
Getting sick is something I avoid so hard.
But one benefit of getting sick, or any challenge…
Is that it forces us to slow down.
It forces us to take care of ourselves.
It forces other people to step up.
And in that change, it can often bring clarity.
And clarity is the best gift.
So this weekend I’m slowing down, saying no to invitations, and getting clear about my next steps!
WAIT they don’t love you like I love you
Hop on this fun, easy dance trend to show your feelings or stop someone in their tracks.
Show yourself stopping someone from overlooking the quality of your work. For example, when a client says your product is overpriced without recognizing the effort and quality behind it.
For example, Client: "Your product is overpriced." You: "WAIT! I love you, and that’s why my product was made with this quality."
Examples: Daylight Savings Time, Joe Jonas, The Yea Yea Yea’s response to recently going viral is a carousel of everyone doing it :)
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