Social Media Marketing Trends week of September 1st

This Week’s Mindset:

“You have no idea what you need, until you get into new rooms.” - Jasmine Star

I used to hate October.

True story.

I associated it with all the bad things happening in my life in October.

Picked up by the cops as a teen?


Boyfriend broke up with me?



It was even a family and friend inside joke to surmise what might occur to me in each year’s ‘dark period.’

And then… something happened that changed the trajectory.

My first born’s due date was in October.

She came right on time, and my whole narrative had to shift.

My daughter’s birthday?

Becoming a Mom?

I was forced to reframe.

Now, October would be marked as the BEST time of the year.

Anyways - It’s not even October yet but I still think about how crazy that was for me.

What do you need to reframe?

What shift is coming for you that is going to take all the pain and turn it into a positive?

Tune into who you want to be, and take the control back.

Because the universe and you are here to conspire to create magic :)



You Might Think I’m Crazy 🚨

🚨 Easiest trend alert!!!

This audio has so many use cases.

Film yourself singing to camera “You Might Think I am Crazy”

Then put in text something you do that is different from others. A crazy hobby you have, a weird food pairing you love, or something related to your niche that is counterintuitive.

What about something everyone loves, but you just think is okay or mediocre?

It is sure to spark engagement!

Examples: Favorite snack, autism mama, Disney lady, I am…,

You can use the audio here on IG.

For more prompts like this delivered to your email, join the Authentic Creators Network our ct-based social media marketing agency’s content creator network!


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